So another practice...Its Christina Ricci this time. Usual setup, gray scale for start , very basic line art, just to get pose and area it will cover, composition if you will. Overlay layer for mid range color, and i forgot to mention last time, dodge tool for lighter color. Screen layer could be used too maybe. Anyway thank You for reading and here's Christina Ricci...
Returned to gray scale and flipped to check if its correct...
Born in Osijek,Croatia.I have finished School of Civil Engineering (1996-2000) and Art Academy in Zagreb (2001-2007).
I hope one day I will learn to draw... how hard can it really be he he he...
one of my favorite actresses, you did a great job on this one!
koliko ti vremena u prosjeku treba da zavrsis jedan takav portret, ako smijem pitat :)
@ Asja...Thanks :) Treba mi mmm 1 dan, ovisi o referenci,ako je osvjetljenje ok tak 1 dan...Još uvijek se navikavam na digitalno :/
to je dosta brzo, meni ne bi poslo za rukom da naslikam tako nesto ni za 2 tjedna :)
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