So I've tried painting Charlize Theron. You will find lips and skin tones I've used on first screen shot. Usually i have them in swatches window, but I've put them on canvas so maybe someone will find them helpful or something. They are around mid tone value range, for shadows i usually use multiply most of the time. Line art is in multiply mode and I just put colors beneath it on normal layer. After all colors are set I'll merge everything down and make normal layer on top to clean up and stuff. Well thank You for reading and here are screen shots of Charlize Theron process.
Well this time its Kimberly Williams I tried to paint. Didn't work out great but practice makes perfect. I did a bit different this time, I've put "line art" into multiply mode and used color immediately instead of doing gray scale/overlay. At the end I've used unsharp mask filter to try it out. It sharpens image so its not blurry, its nothing special but looks interesting. Setting were default ones, i don't really know that much about filters. Anyway thank You for reading and here are screen shots of Kimberly Williams process.
So i wanted to do a profile, but it was surprisingly hard to find celeb profile reference. Eventually i found Jenna Elfman with pretty interesting lighting, from very dark to very light in a short space. Overlay for color, and later on color layer for hair... needed more yellowish color to get it closer to blonde. Thank You for reading and here are screen shots of Jenna Elfman process.
Well it was Sandra Bullock this time for practice. Same old story... gray scale,overlay layer... reference was pretty bad, but she looked pretty on it so i tried. Saturated it a bit with multiply layer. Maybe overdid it, eh its practice so why not try. Tried simplifying her lace thingy shes wearing so it doesn't overtake picture... Anyhow thank You for reading and here are screen shots of Sandra Bullock process.
So another practice...Its Christina Ricci this time. Usual setup, gray scale for start , very basic line art, just to get pose and area it will cover, composition if you will. Overlay layer for mid range color, and i forgot to mention last time, dodge tool for lighter color. Screen layer could be used too maybe. Anyway thank You for reading and here's Christina Ricci...
Returned to gray scale and flipped to check if its correct...
Just for practice. Didn't take a lot of time, considering how slow i am... Took a few screen shots as i worked. I started gray scale as usual just to get color palette for painting using overlay layer. Colored background blue, i think it brings her out nicely. Used reference off course, i liked the pose so i gave it a shot :)... I should do this more often for practice... But most photos on web are photoshoped so it makes it kinda hard to use them as a reference.Anyway here's 1 Adriana Lima to go...Yes please^_-
Returned to b&w, and flipped...I flip a lot as i draw, flipping allows you to see mistakes in painting.. Its a mirror image and should look good enough too.
Born in Osijek,Croatia.I have finished School of Civil Engineering (1996-2000) and Art Academy in Zagreb (2001-2007).
I hope one day I will learn to draw... how hard can it really be he he he...